
Rev Up Your Performance: Tailored Coaching for Peak Mental Fortitude on and off the Track


Data Driven Mental Skills Assessment Administered online in 20 minutes Used with high performance athletes and Leagues in all sports. Use with the Military including the Navy Seals Used in Fortune 500 Global Corps for Succession Planning, Talent Identification and Development


1 hour video debriefing providing summary of mental skills performance outlining specifics of which of them should be modified or developed for optimal performance under pressure using Dr. Nick’s proprietary analytics. 50-page report Video of debriefing session



Optimal Psychological Performance Skills Training. Custom designed training for attentional shifting, concentration, decision making under pressure, emotional regulation and recovery

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers regarding our services in mental skills coaching for racing drivers

Mental skills coaching involves techniques and strategies to enhance a driver’s mental game, including focus, concentration, stress management, and resilience. It helps drivers perform consistently at their best by strengthening their mental attributes.

Mental skills coaching is beneficial for drivers at all levels, from amateurs to professionals. It’s not just about reaching the top level but also about maximizing personal potential and improving performance, regardless of racing experience.

While driving coaching focuses on technical skills and physical training enhances physical fitness, mental skills coaching targets the mental aspects of racing. It hones skills like focus, mental resilience, decision-making, and managing race-day pressure.

Absolutely. Mental skills coaching provides techniques to manage pre-race nerves and anxiety. Through strategies such as visualization, breathing exercises, and mental rehearsal, drivers can better handle these pressures.

To get started, you can reach out to us through our contact page or booking system. We’ll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals, assess your needs, and tailor a coaching plan specifically designed for you as a racing driver.